An Event Timeline Maker That Updates Automatically

Build detailed, multi-day event timelines and share them via PDF or with a link that updates immediately.


100% mobile-friendly

Create templates

Include files, links and more

Updates automatically

Add branding

Share via URL or PDF

Multi-day event schedules

Easy to build, easy to read, easy to share

A shareable timeline that communicates information clearly to clients and vendors? Yup, that’s ThymeBase.

Designed for Humans icon

Designed for Humans

ThymeBase timelines look great and have all the vital information. Designed and pressure-tested by hundreds of event pros.

Build Timeline Templates icon

Build Timeline Templates (Or ask us to build one for you)

Clone event timelines in one click. And all times and dates get instantly recalculated.

Share Timelines That Auto-update icon

Share Timelines That Auto-update

So you made a change? No worries. Each shared timeline has a unique URL that updates for everyone, automatically.

One-Click PDF Downloads icon

But Also, One-Click PDF Downloads

Want to print out a hardcopy? Download a well-formatted pdf in a single click.

Easy to build, easy to read, easy to share

Rich Timelines That Kick Spreadsheet’s Ass

Timelines aren’t only about start times. ThymeBase’s timelines contain way more information that fits into an Excel row.

100% Mobile Friendly icon

100% Mobile Friendly

Fully functional mobile-first design so you can build, view, and update timelines on the go.

Rich timeline items icon

Rich Timeline Items

Attach files, create headings, add hyperlinks, and build lists. Include visual references, contracts, and whatever else.

Brand Your Timelines icon

Brand Your Timelines

Each timeline is topped by your logo or that of your clients. Coz it’s the little things that matter.

Multi-day timelines icon

Multi-day Timelines

And if the event runs across multiple days, no problem. ThymeBase’s event timelines are powerful enough to rock multiple dates.

Rich Timelines That Kick Spreadsheet's Ass

Because event timelines should provide clarity under pressure

At-a-glance, or expanded view icon

Customized sharing

Share customized timelines so vendors & clients only see relevant items.

Info at your fingertips icon

Info at your fingertips

Contact numbers, location, & references are displayed in relevant contexts.

Always up-to-date icon

Always up-to-date

Share the timeline URL with clients and vendors and they’ll only ever have the latest version.

The source of truth icon

The source of truth

In ThymeBase timelines, anyone can reference style guides, layouts, playlists or whatever.

Broadly Entertaining

Giana DeGeiso & Jamie Rosler

We are blown away by the customer service at ThymeBase! They answer our questions promptly with thoughtfulness and care. When a shuttle company sent us last minute route changes, ThymeBase immediately responded to our request for help by updating the event's timeline for us in under an hour. The cherry on top, the program updates live so all our vendors got the revised schedule immediately. Saving us time and effort when we really had none to spare.

Great program, great team - highly recommend!

Learn more from our customers

Giana and Jamie

Totally free. No credit card needed to start. Straight up.

We won't hold you back or penalize you for booking more clients.

Free Forever icon

Free Forever

Plan unlimited %{event_name}, and manage tasks and timelines. Free forever. No credit card needed.

Learn More
Upgrade to Pro icon

Upgrade to Pro

$25 per month. No contract, cancel anytime. Unlimited clients, branding, and more.

Learn More

Worried about moving your active events over to ThymeBase? No problem. We’ll do it for you. Email us and we’ll import your events and templates totally for free.